Search Engine Optimized

Search Engine Optimized

Having a website that's properly optimized for search engines is very important. A better search engine ranking will yield in more business for your restaurant, especially since more than 79% of customers research their food options online. 

Take a look at the screenshot below. When you search for 'chicken restaurant plymouth', you'll see that Broasted Brothers, one of our clients, is showing up on the second place of Google Maps thanks to the optimizations that we have done on their website. 
chicken restaurant plymouth search engine map results

While search engine rankings are based on algorithms, RESO360 uses the best and latest trends in Search Engine Optimization on all of our clients' websites, even though the SEO landscape is an everchanging field. 

Search Engine Optimized Frequently Asked Questions. Need more information or have a question? Call or text us at 734-224-8447. Or use our contact form .

  • What is SEO?

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a set of practices that make a website rank higher on search engines.

  • Can you control rankings?

    Unfortunately, no! As a matter of fact, even Google employees can't alter rankings. The rankings are based in a set of algorithms.

  • Why is SEO important?

    Because more than 79% of diners do their research online before visiting a restaurant, it's important to show up as higher on the search engines as possible. As long as you're on the top 3 spots, you're good.

  • How's SEO different from Google Ads?

    SEO is organic rankings, which means that you don't have to pay Google (or any other search engines for that matter) to show up. With Google Ads, your ad shows up as long as you keep paying Google. Once you stop paying Google, your ad won't show anymore. Google Ads are clearly marked 'Ads' on the search results. These ads are also blocked by web browsers with ad-blocking capabilities, that's why it's important to show up organically.

  • Are all websites optimized?

    No. As a matter of fact, most Do-It-Yourself web builders aren't properly optimized for search engines, if anything at all. 


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